Florida Peanut Butter Farmer

Florida’s Mikaela Davis

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Meet Mikaela Davis, Florida Peanut Farmer

Growing up, Mikaela Davis loved spending time with her father on their 8,000-acre farm in Graceland, Florida. The Generation Z, seventh-generation farmer explains that she has always had an interest in farming – yearning to farm peanuts of her own one day.

Now three years into farming, Mikaela explains that

“farming is as much work as it is fun – my dad has never made farming a chore or a hassle. I look forward to working on the farm and being out there every chance I get.”

Every other weekend and during summer break, Mikaela can be found working on the farm. The money she makes from farming is put towards her college tuition and savings. After she graduates with her degree in business, she plans to farm full-time alongside her father, Michael.

Mikaela says her favorite part of farming is watching the crops grow from planting to harvest.

“Being able to say those are my peanuts is super rewarding. It’s very cool to think that it is our peanuts in products like candy bars.”

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